
I’ve been trying to fill up my time with friends;;;  trying… I need a friend that doesn’t judge me for being broken. Someone that iis okay with me being hurt so that I can grieve and get over itl

I’ve never been one to put on a happy face for the sake of hiding what I truly feel just to make someone else feel better.

In this life people are uncomfortable when you are going through a hard time– most will either call to see how you are doing to give you some pep talk — but when you are hurting you know– blood runs, its messy – but it cleans the wound. Some will say I’ll pray for you– those are usually the ones that are judgemeentle and Christians should be okay because Christ is our burden barer. They pray but won’t visit and most of them are judgementle of gay relationships— so I can’t call them crying on their shoulder.

So who do I turn to– God does have me and He knows all but gracious it would be nice to have a friend right now.

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